Sunday, August 3, 2008

Saturday’s soccer day

Siddarth was truly soccer-ready this Saturday, in his Lil’ Kickers’ blue. What’s more, he could even kick the ball. ‘Look, thatha, I kick,’ he would shout out, whenever he catches me burying my nose behind a book or newspaper while he is at play in our backyard. At his training session this Saturday, when his kick wasn’t quite up to the mark, his coach swiftly moved the goal post so that the ball could find its way into the net.

This was a marked improvement from last Saturday, when our little friend simply took the ball in his hands and threw it into the net when he failed to connect his foot with the ball on the ground. This, and the on-field action of other young trainees was watched with much excitement by some of their moms.I heard Siddarth, wanting his mom around to cheer him, giving his daddy an ultimatum; no mommy; no soccer. For the record, Nikhil’s Gymboree class clashed with Siddarth’s soccer last Saturday. Which is why his mom couldn't make it for the kick-off session.

A view from the spectators bench

Siddarth at the training session, during lemonade break

After the class

The butterfly stamped on the back of a palm shows successful completion of yet another soccer session. Siddarth wanted it stamped on both hands.

1 comment:


Such joyous adventures. God bless their little souls